Our Comfort Guarantee

*We offer a Never Seen Before one-year comfort guarantee on all of our mattresses*
The majority of other mattress stores only offer about 100 days which is not enough time and it's why most of their return rates are 20% plus on the average.
That and they rush their commission based sales process so as to get you out of the store as quickly as possible so they can work with their next customer asap. Yikes!!
Our non commissioned, one on one private appointment, concierge like business model and approach has resulted in a less than 1% exchange rate, unheard of!! Bottom line, We're the best in the biz at matching up our clients with the perfect mattress or sleep system based on their sleep needs THE FIRST TIME!
BUT, just in case the VERY rare situation happens where we didn't get it right and it's not living up to your expectations then we'll apply what you paid towards another mattress in our store, all the way up to a year!
All we ask is that you give your new mattress at least 60 days on the front end so as to give it ample time to break in and plenty of time for your body to adjust to the new surface. Please keep in mind, the average adjustment period for a new mattress is 3-4 weeks and can be even longer depending on how long you've had it and what kind of shape it was in. This is why we will not authorize an exchange within the first few days or even weeks.
We Require 60 days minimum with your best interest in mind trust me. The last thing we want is for you to bail too early on a mattress that could have been the best thing ever for you and your sleep needs had you given it more time.
SO, do NOT ask us to do so otherwise I'm just gonna copy and paste this paragraph and send it to you as a reply haha!!
We do NOT offer exchanges or returns on our Adjustable power bases, ALL SALES FINAL on those, no exceptions.
That said, you will be so thoroughly educated on how to maximize all the health benefits that are provided by your base that there's no way you'd ever want to return it anyway.
The owner and his wife have not slept in the flat position because of their power base in over 10 years and there's a reason for that.
The reason we only offer an exchange policy and not a return policy on our mattresses is also with your best interest in mind. We know exactly how each one of our hand selected mattresses performs so we'll know exactly which one will work best for you on the second one. Even though we've only had to go to a 3rd mattress a few times in our 20 year history and over 100,000 clients served, we'll do it if we have to!
FYI, the trial period is 6 months on the 2nd mattress. We make it shorter because we already know your body and what didn't work on the first one so it will not take nearly as much time to break in and get adjusted to it. Btw, we do NOT charge a restocking fee like every other mattress company out there. All we charge is a $99 swap out fee which goes directly to our amazing 3rd party delivery company to cover them for their service of bringing out the new one and taking back the old one.
If you add a topper to soften up your bed or go up in quality, you'll just pay the difference. Keep in mind, we do not discount the 2nd or 3rd mattress, you pay the regular listed price on it.
If you take off a topper or go down in price on the 2nd or 3rd mattress then you'll receive a refund minus the $99 swap out fee. Welcome to the best comfort guarantee in the industry and welcome to REAL DEAL SLEEP!!We look forward to meeting and serving you! -JD The Sleep Whisperer